eric uhlfelder photography

Color photo of the landmark Flatiron Building in snow taken from Fifth Avenue in New York, inspired by Edward Steichen's classic photograph

Flatiron (2)

Color photograph of South End Avenue in Battery Park City with the original World Trade Center

South End Avenue

Color photo of magnificent landscape of South Cove in autumn in Battery Park City with the original World Trade Center

Battery Park City

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Color photograph of the lights of midtown Manhattan at night with clouds taken from Madison Avenue and East 63rd Street in New York, NY


Color photograph of fire escape of loft building near Union Square in Manhattan, New York

Union Square

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Color photo of the ruins of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, New York taken three months after the 9/11 attacks

World Trade Center 1

Color photo of the ruins of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, New York taken three months after the 9/11 attacks

World Trade Center 2

Color photo of the ruins of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, New York taken three months after the 9/11 attacks

World Trade Center 3

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